The reunion dinner...
finally we stop the face moving pace of our lives
sit down together and chat the evening through at dinner.
Was good...really good.
My mum's preparation was great for some hot plate BBQ and steam boat altogether.
My Dad and us all are lucky to have her.
Homemaker and a Chef...
Well...time for me to pick the whole lot up from where she is.
Then the annual big clean up will take place after dinner...
my younger brothers were activated...
how they were so small last time now,
getting older... they have to get moving too...but of course, blur at everything
well they've gotta start somewhere.
Aiding my mum with the backyard while she teaches the new maid... my sis dealing with the inside of the house...
While I saw to the pavillion, car porch and the car.
Tiring but it was good to see all working together and getting the whole clean up done fast.
When all's's been always good to sit at the pavilion and enjoying the cool night breeze for awhile...
sigh...what a week has passed.
Today I came upon a thought...
for this new year...
I'll braving even more or should I say...
I'd wanna bring up this guts even stronger to brave challenges
to be where I wanna have what I feel is right...
give myself a chance to the things I feel worth taking the risk for.
I'm worth it and whatever it may be..whoever it may be...
after giving it all some thought....they're all worth it...
"Cannot then cannot lor"..."Can then can lor..."
Saturday, February 17, 2007

It's like walking through a lonely path...
and everything's dim.
The end of the road is darkened.
Light at the end of the road there isn't
'Cause you don't know where the end is...
it's like bring on a splitting road...
Going back and forth is yet darken roads
I hope standing at this point...
two lamp posts,
like gardian angels...
will keep me lighted 'til the time to move...
'til I see some light at either paths...

I've been starin' at the page for what seems like days
I guess I'm tryin' to put this one off for awhile
Did I just feel a tear fall off from my eyes?
Or have I been happy, laughed so hard that I cried?
I'm flow my secrets to you like a flowin' river
I guess the day's just bringing me down...
Only love, there's no hate
Leavin' it here for you to take...
Please know that every word is a piece of my heart...
The smiles on my face,
They came easy 'cause of you
Sometimes I think,
I love you, but I hate you
'Cause I know I can never escape you...
Through my days and through my dreams...
Some how you image and smiles are just always there.
Only love, there's no hate
Leavin' it here for you to take...
Please know that every word is a piece of my heart...
Have I said too much?
Maybe I haven't said enough...
But I know that every word is a piece of my heart...

A nice moment I felt I needed by myself...
after the dryness and boredom of school...
I left my fav class of weeks early having nothing to do at all...
Got back, dropped my stuff and headed down to the place they call...
Cafe at the Sea....
For some good food...
like once in awhile I'd just treat myself after a hard week.
Joined by a sweet lady whom I met in the evening at the very place...
Alone... hmmm....
well anyway, we had a good chat on dinner...
apparently she isn't from Singapore... and so I found her to be coz of her accent...
In fact she seems like a rather good mix!...
From Canada she says... Mum a korean and Dad a spanish...
Didn't ask how they landed in Canada but I must say that they made up a fine 25 year cocktail mix!...
Yup Everyone I admit...she's fine.
Here on holiday... parents were busy with some stuff and she was just having a 2 nights stay at the Shangrila Rasa Sentosa.
So that explains her being alone here...having dinner...
Well...I'm not complaining. =)
Good Company!...
The music was good...the food wasn't too bad... the presentation was somewhat nice to look at.
Taste was...actually just like any other kinda fusion cuisine you find outside...but hey, good company good chilling out place.
Again...I'm not complaining!
Anyway...I had my fill...stay alittle for chats...and decided I'd be on my way home.
Fatigue was sitting in... And no no....I didn't do anything to her if any one of you reading this are thinking of me
making a move...Sorry...
Good company doesn't mean I gotta take the dive...
Got someone in mind.
Anyway... the day ended off from school well... Spent the entire journey out of campus chattering with 2 girls from my Adobe class... Somehow fascinated by my travelling adventures... and my portfolio I was building with animations and still imaging.
Hahahaaa...a very nice pair... somehow conversation kept flowing... and it made the journey out less trying besides the fact that I've got my ipod for company...but I reckon it'd be better with people. lol...
The Start of the Chinese New year Season....
But somehow feeling too drained to think of the visitation...
probably be stay put at home to rest... getting myself energized for the enxt week ahead...
got alot more to deal with...
Think about and sort out.
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