Wednesday, October 15, 2008

It's been quite awhile since I last entered anything....
busy lately. Helping Jacelyn with her project write ups after write ups. Totally at the brim with all the things to think about.
I'm currently restructuring my company's website, which is really horrid. It's one of the lousiest website I've ever seen.
Can't imagine they even paid for it! Being asked to build their industrial division, considering the fact that I'm the only one
in the company who knows what in the world is going on with all those equipments and industrial pumps and blowers.
The potentials of them all are basically assessed by me and of coz...the man says he is too, but then again...he knows just abit.
Hardly enough to design anything at all.

Can't imagine a person who simply knows that a pump is something that sucks and pushes water and a blower is something that sucks and pushes air can even sell such industrial parts for few years. From what I know, it's probably just selling what people want. But what people asks of a possibility....rarely gets any returns for answers. I know that for sure. ONE BIG practice is,
"ACT BLUR" or "RUN AWAY FROM CALLS". superb experts. funny how things even lasted that long.

Sigh.....sad case...

Well anyway, after 1 whole year....after that turning point where they made a hoohaa over me 'over paying 2 workers' when I've actually budgeted in the entire costing for a servicing business which actually earned them a net profit of at least $900~$1k in 3.5hrs to 4hrs max....
my research works are finally done and I'm beginning to get prepared on the creation of my new proprietorship...
But an online one...dealing with a niche area and in someways....modification of machines yet coming up with alternatives to counter the need of any machines....confusing huh....well...hahaha, that's the interesting part to it all.
The concept lies in this ideology....
selling stamps and increasing its cost is easier than making people buy their own transport to delivery their mails even when the costs always remain the same....which is then again, totally not possible in economic terms.
Simple? well it sure is. dwell in this alittle and you will see the light in one way or another.
Really exciting....these few months...will be a hellova time! Seriously.
