Thursday, August 30, 2007

"Money can buy happiness...uuntil you look over the fence and see how much more your friends have..."

Won more than a thousand playing shit...Gatheriing engorged stack of chips
and backed away from the arena still trembling from the adrenaline binge, I floated across life's
risk taking shade...
And looked on my fellow life game junkie...
Time to pool our take and blow it on extravagantly overpriced red meat...
But then "I am down" said he...
And it was real the america flowed into an anarchy...
he lost whole lot to the foreign exchange.

There are sure ways to ruin an overnight risk bender with a friend.
leaving tables with different results. When both leave out ahead, then it's time to test Chris Rock's
theory about champagne room.
Damn...nothing but grief. To help or not to help? An offering is yet a posibility to offend his pride...
But after all why should I in this case?...Friendship isn't a Marxist endeavour.
Can't be sustained across the great line in life that divides the winners from losers. a conspiracy among men
of the same station. Role of money offends democratic ideals, primal model of absolute loyalty.
but the size of a man's bankroll has innumerable repercussions.
I had to deal with my own other shit...cover thy own ass first...

Damn...difficult situations when there is not much extras actually to help....which route to take I have no freakin idea.

hmm so what's money? --->means access to restaurants, vacation spots, season tickets...blah blah blah...lifting
the velvet rope.
And your posse can't roll if that rope drops down in front of some members. lol...

Think I'm just being super random today.....

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