Sunday, January 21, 2007

my this walk in life...

Dur il était a laissé aller, vous aiment tellement que je ,
mais oeil pour nous observer certains comment ne pourrait pas assortir...
avec vous être malheureux avec moi,
l'undure de la douleur I est pourtant en valeur comme longtemps en vous regardant loin souriez et soyez joyeux.

Même la pensée de la prise en bas des images de nous et de l'art d'humeur du soleil faisait mal. Vous juste n'avez jamais su. Elle n'est jamais étée car facile comme elle est à vous.
Funny how fever twirled my head this time...
woke up missing my close friends...
missing Min...
missing my ex-room mate while we do and talk nonsense together...

oh well... life...that's the way it is...
Funny how fever twirled my head this time...
woke up missing my close friends...
missing Min...
missing my ex-room mate while we do and talk nonsense together...

oh well... life...that's the way it is...
wao wao wao....what a day...
an experience...

Social work with IMH patients...
now that....that whole deal truly is something that tests my patience with crowds and get me to think that
I'm yet a person of reasons....besides having that shotgun temper. Esp when it comes to crowded places...and the inability to take care of people whom I totally can't communicate with.
Have done, orphans, down syndrome, old age... now IMH patients....think the next feat would be the

But for now...i have to take care of with my broken down body....from the many weeks of no sleep... it's giving way and acting against me now....
high power loss and over heating...thus a combo sickness....
Anyway...whatever...the day was still good and worth it.
I've done a gd deed at the start of the year...and also...gotten 3 of the things i wanted...and of which one i have been looking out for....i.e climbing shoes, chalk bag....just today...the MIGHTY MOUSE!!! BLUETOOTH!
the week rocks!...well besides this stupid physical illness....
but the mind still thrives to have things seen as darn freaking great week!

And also....Thanks to Binks for the belated treat. enjoyed it too...
but that...u saw another magic
funny how ur face gave the 'huh' look....
tricks are cool for entertainment....maybe...alittle more to me than to

Cheers to the ending 2nd week of the academic semester.... it's about weeks more to go towards 2nd of May...and I'm getting out of this freak place!