Sunday, February 11, 2007

"I miss you
I miss being overwhelmed by you...
And I need rescu
I think I'm fading away...
But I keep think that you'll wake me up with a whisper in my ear.
I keep hoping that you'll sneak in my room

So I wait and I wait....


I miss you
I miss talking all night long with you
And I need this to find a way to your home
My love can you hear me
Have I been hoping loud enough, wishing hard enough
Can you see me when I'm asleep all alone..."

I looked forward in coming back...
But in returning I find myself alone...
oh maybe not...just accompanied by notes and books...
A weekend of reminders...
weekend of happy moments...
Weekend of a new beginnings...
weekend of pain....
weekend of all emotional feelings put together...
Now somehow I'd just wanna fade away...

Sometimes I really wonder if somethings I see about a person is worth to share and worth to care...
Things either turned to loggers or just pure unjust emotional feelings...
So much for wanting to care
So much for bothering...

And sometimes I'd just wanna turn away...
But I've been asked...."Do you really want to turn your back on them?...yet if you do something you may get fired back"
And I replied to God in prayer..."Some pains are probably worth it..."
sitting by my desk... I wondered...after being knocked around by questions on r/s....
hmmm...actually...I duno when is it the time for
Coz the time is never straight forward with a sign placed there...'s a feeling that comes.
Last week...someone asked is it that I'm remainding single when
there are quite a few girl friends around who are single and avail...
Well...I can't really answer that...maybe...I guess when one is like a sister to me...
like some in the hall... they will always be one.
Some are friends and buddies to me...they will always be one....
But when it comes to crossing that border... it will mean a different treatment... and somehow...
the imperfect me...can't deal with a change in attitude to those who were buddies and sistas...
somehow... that's what I reckon....damn it...but God might just make me eat my words again....hahaaa...he made me do so once
not sure when the next will come. It's an opening FAther!... =)

Anyway... the week of jialat hell...isolationism in progress....damn much for it being a V-day week...with me filled with all these stupid tests and stuff... I've gotta start saving...start thinking how to make my freelancing ideas work harder.
and make a mark soon after I grad. hahahaa.....WoooHoooo!!!! we go Kenneth!!! Let's go!!!!
Engine starting up now!...
this week is gona get busy busy busy!....
prob no pausal time...
full speed ahead!...
broke broke broke....
month's broke
damn it...spending too much...
and money from proj isn't in yet! OMG....
been doing too much funny stuff....trying too much madness stuff....hahaha....
I'm getting crazy...

strangely after having slept....
I can't get myself to start off studying....argh!!!...madness

Today my phone has become hot line...
Many SMSes...Many calls...
some for chitchat...some for problem for biz...and some on shopping spree and did like to have
my opinion. hahaa...
next time I pick up.... "Yes operator speaking" I'll