Friday, July 27, 2007

Today...the day....just had convocation ceremony in the morning....
took the full day leave...
but it was cut short...
responsibility calls.
went back to work....just like I was activated in the army...
But yet...somehow, I still went back to work...feeling all happy and with smiles...
great isn't it...hahaaha..

Back to office to clarify some cash transfer for Pakistan and Saudi...
and complete a sales transaction to Taiwan...
afterwhich,...meeting with a strange client who knows crap about his own
problem and application. Took a madness 1 hour just to slowly draw out to make out what
he was trying to tell me...
some people....are pure ridiculous...fortunately I was good with patience today....hahaha
if not....aiyoh aiyoh he is a gone case poor thing.

Oh and I chanced upon some rumour about the reason for me to make a next trip to KL...
it was plainly to take over the responsibilities of my present GM who is also the MD of the
KL Branch!!... aiyoh...aiyoh...

So fast?... this is too fast that it seriously scares me....