Saturday, August 18, 2007

It's time for my trials...
time to find myself...
time to get my mind into focus...
.....I'm gone for these moments...

but just how strong away from what's dear?
As you sat across sipping adam's ale
looking around in wonder of surrounding
I gazed in a daze at you that warmed my heart...
what a beautiful masterpiece before me...
Perfect in your little ways.
Your eyes as captivating...
fuzzy fizzies rushed upon my entire sense of being...
those very moments you looked across
You sweetest smiles...
I'd give anything to see them again...
Sometimes I wish I'd take chances...
yet sometimes I fear to risk what I already have...
this....this simple gazing experience...
Where time just stood still...

There is no way of climbing up...
I've fallen deeper...
right through in free fall...