Tuesday, June 27, 2006

9:26 !!!

Today... I went to the National stadium...
Remembering the last time I walked along those roads....
it was kallang theatre that I came from...
had company... and was feeling great then...
while now it's just a lonely road... the one I have ever known...
Anyway, went there to run today... that's the main motive...
Felt I could beat my own timing and making improvements in my stamina...
did a 2.4km run the last time and recorded 9:45...
And now this time...I managed a new 9:26!!!
cool huh... after which I went to join in my friends free sparring session....even better....
it's like letting off steam from a day of work.
Phew..!! felt good.
Doing all these... whatever that stuck in the mind was just forgotten and the only focus was on what I wanted to do then....at that very moment...either to run or just on the opponent...
Adrenalin rush!
Felt like everything else didn't matter...
Felt like the only pain I felt was physical...
Everything made bearable...
it was good...
it felt good....
much better...

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