Friday, July 28, 2006

tired tired tired...

Freshmen Orientation camp is very much around the corner....WoooHoo...
this whole thing is killing me. Need to get it over and done with. Have so much to do but with so little time!
Since I got out of SIA I've just been busy running around...doing administrative stuff and things like that....
this is crazy...

Everything got so crazy that I didn't have time to breathe....but it's good to know that through my exhausion....the insomnia is fading....but I'm getting really physically tired and maxed out.

Just last night...I found myself rather cornered....
Things needed to rush and be on time but yet there seemingly no way out....
had problems with T-shirt printing....and banner printing.....can't get them done on time...
I was turning mad....mad mad....
was praying so hard for answers....
And suddenly answers did come in....hahaa....
emails of solutions coming through....people asking if I needed help....
from msn....sweet and wonderfully helpful angels just offered to go all the way to check things out for me.....
And most of all my buddy room mate got me off the headache of the banner print just in a moment....the resourceful person he is. What would I do without these great people....
saving my sanity....hahaa....

need rest....need rest....

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