Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I checked my mail...
ping! it popped... an email from my parents...
that got me tearing...
...amidst my horrible stressful week in hand....

"Take good care of yourselves n dont overstress . Stay focus .

Dispel any sense of self-concern, and remind you that others are feeling the same tensions,
which is only natural in times of stress.
The Lord is your shepherd, you shall not flunk;
He keep youfrom lying down when you shd be studying.
He restore yr faith in study guides and leads you to better study habits for yr grade's sake.
He gives you answers in moments of blankness.
He anointest yr head with understanding
Yr test paper run over with questions you recognize.
Surely passing grades and flying colours shll follows you.
All the days of yr examinations.

In this time of anxiety, O Loving God grant you peace of mind. Quiet any distress and allow you
to seee clearly yr mission and determination.

God bless you my son,
Love from Mum, Dad and your 2 brothers and sister."

Gave me strength to move on...
Thanks Dad and Mum...
it struck me.... it touched me...

But the stress of exams... yet can't be forgotten.... it's something that has been hard to handle...
since I was a small kid...
the fear has been borne in me.... trying to live out of it...but along the way it will linger...
But thanks! =)

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