Saturday, June 23, 2007

Another day...

hmmm Weekends!...finally....some small break for the busy schedule
of daily unending time work...

Tiring but yes it's kinda fun....shit sounds so sadistic huh...hahaha

headed on the point of thought on what in the world am I gona do next now... starting next in the line would be house car and wife...
house and car in time will that's gona be abit of a problem...
not so much of cannot get but rather have the fear lingering somewhere....
somehow it's just subconscious... especially when my schedule is so tight right now...
but yet to me....having a she in my life would be essential... brings more meaning to the
status of being successful....
That's having someone to share it all with you... and soon then those to carry it on...the way....
the characteristic...the whole deal with improvisations...

oh well....still keeping the eyes open....

spotted a plain Jane though...sounded like a 'EEeeeeeeee' at the end of the name but really...
she looks like a nice plain Jane....
then again I'll whack on the idea of... looks can be deceiving...
I'm scar tissue...

"yes indeed i'm alone again
and here comes emptiness crashing in
it's either love or hate
i can't find in between
cause i've been with witches
and i have been with a queen
it wouldn't have worked out any way
so for now it's just another lonely day ay ay
further along we just may
but for now it's just another lonely day
wish there was something
i could say or do
see cause i can resist anything
but the temptation from you
but i'd rather walk alone
than chase you around
i would rather fall myself
than let you drag me on down
it wouldn't have worked out any way
so for now it's just another lonely day ay ay
further along we just may
but for now it's just another lonely day
yesterday seems like a life ago
cause the one i love
today i hardly know
you i held so close in my heart oh dear
grow further from me
with every falling tear
it wouldn't have worked out any way
so for now it's just another lonely day,ay ay
further along we just may, ay ay
but for now it's just another lonely day "


Dawn said...

Hey Kenneth. I came across your blog and it made me smile! I'm sure you'll find you 'she' one day. Probably where and when you least expect it, lol. You are right too, its nicer to have someone special to share it all with. However, i do have this advice - enjoy your freedom while you can! Take Care. Dawn.

Kenneth said...

Hey thanks Dawn...
what you just said has truth in it...

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.