Sunday, June 18, 2006

My dedication...

As I sat down by the windy beach side...
The breeze and the rushing of the waves...
then a little white dog came by...
reminded me of the day when you and I first came to the beach
with a little dog too...a little white dog...
somehow u keep coming to mind... somehow there's something
left attached to you...
My heart... and thus I write....

~The sky can collapse on us
and the earth can cave
Little does it matter to me if you love me
My surrounding disappears...

As long as love flood my morning
As my body will quiver beneath your hands
Problems matter so little
My dear 'coz you love me...

I'd go through and way pass my limits
To the ends of the earth
beyond the sights of the horizon
if you asked me to...

To just be for us...
perfect for you for me
taking things on a slow
one step at a time...~

"I wouldn't say that I can't live without you...
but I chose not to...
No matter how much it takes..."

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