Friday, September 22, 2006

Remember I can't
of memories I was last well rested...
probably the only time was...
oh yes I do know when
The most important to my living sanity
she was there...
Those were the moments I just dissolved
Right into the arms of her...
Felt nothing but pure comfort.
Now, I just want to keep my life
hitting a pause...a direct coma
holding still everything that's in bombardment
completing myself once again.
It hasn't been...oh no it sure hasn't been at all
that I know for the past few days at least
I was empty... now I'm beginning to be filled up once more
I thought I was at a lost...
was smashed at the sight or the knowledge of the way things are...
And how I dealt with it all...
I just want to daze through the afternoon with you
flowing in my poetic mind once more...
It's been just for you...
only has
Just as my heart
for you alone and nobody else.....

Feeling sad at the way things were...and how things went through for the passing days...
Many people asked me why and what happened... for the while I didn't dare fear of bursting...
with eyes bleeding tears of love lost...
But having spoken to a few close friends...guys and girls alike...
Wanted to have a different perspective of my life and how things were...
I couldn't just take a view for it... I know how naturally friends are.
They side you very much... If I'm wrong about how things were...I'd like to know and not being covered up.
I want to know the complexity of love...of r/s...
It's important to me just as it is in wanting to work this r/s keep it...
To fight and win over the sense of numbness...
I'll put in even my last second...or my last penny on this...
Coz'...I realised... the effects of how words are can be at wrong times...
Regardless of how adult you intend to deal with it.
I realised that men in general are just naturally stupid pigs in love...
I know too.... that I didn't use to be like this... I knew what to do...I always matter how
and now yes right now I want it all back...I want all that abilities back...
God take away my sensitivity to the other world or the visions that I really don't wanna see...
I just want back what humans call Romance...
I so that I may the simplest yet loving manner to the one who's dear to me.

Baby... I hope that you are able to see what you really mean to me... if not, at least slowly seeing some sparkles...

Like a vast green field with a budding flower...or the unending ocean with a brilliance of a growing pearl...

When it comes...

But please, wake me up... with a slap when needed to... save me for the clouding of the earthly rushes... pull me back to baseline. I won't let you go...
So please don't go..

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