Friday, November 17, 2006

I closed my eyes...
like having a bad dream...
I spoke...
on the verge of crying I heard the most soothing voice,
"baby...what is it?... why?"
the very voice that soothes my heart and soul...
brought back calm.
Like things just got worst
like there was no end to the horrible friday that's been...
like all of a sudden in my state of concusion I warped through a few years without you
and still I found myself lying devastated and torn apart...
feeling the emptiness.
to some they wish for time
to some they wish for riches
but to me I need both to bring me across where I am to some part
they all call wonderful.
yet I don't mind being left with nothing
holding on to on my stomach in hunger...
wrapping up in newspaper out in the rainy cold
so long the life then was led with you...
But, I guess that's where I stand...
where my stand is towards you...
what I can't give in the instance
I'd still give in time
empowered by the will of going through means...
sometimes, it's hard
sometimes it's easy...
but whatever it is....
it's the resultant that matters...
Oh anyhow, my dream my dream...
it all started from one single day
when you decided to go away...
I cried but I respected...
believing you know best what you really want...
what you'd be happy living with...
decision laid on you.
Then I found myself setting foot
at the edge...
calling for the reason to live...
the reason to carry on what seemed meaningless...
my life...
I took off and swirled back to a dimension called reality...
a dream...
bringing me back to calm was the soothing voice...
my darling beside me...

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